
zodiac signs diary

leaving home on christmas planet jupiter in astrology peeing in the wind falling in love with my body how to reset your sleep schedule the law of attraction and compatibility orange county choppers "Dad gets a new pup" "Face book Privacy policy" and online info black planet online community yoga excercises for weightloss     leaving home on Christmas day and mint chocolate chip ice cream   Right now today: december 24th 2009 I am feeling very hopeful. some may say this is due to the transit of uranus through my 5th house. I believe it is too. But at the same I feel slight doubt. Thank goodness its only slight. I will leave my home tommorow just to avoid my mothers christmas "fakeness" I just don;t want to be a part of it. In fact I will write much more about my mother in one moment. When I return. I'm about to go indulge in some "mint chocolate chip ice cream!!" mmmmm!   The meaning of jupiter and your wealth   Right now tonight: techniquely

zodiac explanations, zodiac signs explanations, zodiac sign explanations

These zodiac explanations & elements are a good place to start, if you dont know much about the zodiac and astrology. take it all with a grain of salt, enjoy and know that not all the personality traits of the zodiac will apply to you or the people you know. It is also highly unlikely as there are 10 planets that make a persons complete zodiac personality and not just the star sign. When you have finished reading you may also want to check out zodiac explanations on character traits, the twelve zodiac sign meanings, and what it means to be "soul mates" in astrology Aries: zodiac sign explained Aries is forceful energetic outgoing, and think about what they want and don't let anything stop them from going out and getting it. Aries is ruled by the planet mars which causes them to have more than enough energy to complete their desired tasks - and then some! Aries are great and anything that requires action...they enjoy! They won't tell you this.. .but hang

how to pick your self up after a set back

How do you react when something unexpected happens and puts a spanner in the works? Do you turn tail and retreat into a corner to lick your wounds, or do you straighten your back, clench your fists, grit your teeth and have another go at it? Some people thrive upon challenges whilst others live in fear of them. We each have our own individual temperament and general attitude towards things which happen in life, and this is dependent upon our genes and our upbringing. The two interact to make each of us very unique. Yes, you can identify general similarities and between individuals and we each fall within certain "bands" of characteristics, but we do all have our own unique "twist". Just because you are born with a certain general characteristic does not mean that you cannot temper, change or even overcome it. We all have the ability to shape our own perceptions, expectations and our ultimate reality. This is an important fact to know, because otherwise you might jus

fitness and your sun sign

The fitness craze seems to have caught with everyone, be it a celebrity or just a face in the crowd. All are doing it that is sweating it out in the gym, the pool or the nearby stadium. On dinner tables they prefer to talk rather than eat. An interesting development indeed, but what's depressing is that many of these people aren't happy doing what they are. Get close and you will notice their face muscles held taut during the morning walk, a smile from them would but be an impossible dream, they are in fact cursing themselves for being blessed with a prosperous life (no prosperity, no evil temptations to binge, right?) Giving up exercise isn't an answer either... That leaves us with no option but to get involved. And how do we get involved? Simple, just by finding an interesting activity, something that sounds play and not work. Confused still? Here's some good news; your sunsigns can give you some helpful hints. Aquarius : Tennis, basketball, trekking may sound interes

hypnosis: self hypnosis

Self hypnosis is a great way to reach your goals in life. It is grasping for that inner power to achieve your objectives. Numerous people have successfully used self hypnosis to quit smoking, to lose weight, to fight shyness, to make better choices of partners, to sleep better, to release creativity or even to keep your every day mood balanced. Let's first clear the misconceptions on hypnosis. Hypnosis is a deep state of relaxation. You are aware of your environment. You can hear everything. It is the best way to gain control of your brain. Now you have real power to change or re-program some harmful emotional patterns in your mind. Hypnosis is a new branch in psychology. The patterns are located at the subconscious level of your brain. Hypnosis enables to reach that place and give a direct cure to the problem. When you are in a deep state of mind it is easier to fix the problem right away because you are in the emotion that leads you to the compulsive behaviors. Sometimes we just

Tarot Cards, Tarot Readings, Who can read the tarot?

How Tarot Cards Can Help You... Really! By: Glen Wearden What Are Tarot Cards? Made up of no less than seventy-eight cards, each deck of Tarot cards are all the same. Tarot cards come in all sizes with all types of artwork on both the front and back - some even make their own Tarot cards. The meaning and the message of each one of those seventy-eight cards, however, always remains the same. Tarot cards were first used by the Celtic people more than two thousand years ago. Many believe that Tarot cards serve only to tell the future, but this is not true. When used traditionally, Tarot cards speak of the past and present, and are supposed to give clues and ideas about the future that you are potentially heading into. What's In the Cards? Tarot cards are made up of four suits - much like any regular deck of cards. In fact, Tarot cards have all the same values as traditional playing cards: ace through king for each suit. Only one extra card is added to the royal family

moon signs, moon signs astrology, moon

Moon Signs: Your emotional sensitivity and reaction and response The moon sign is your sensitivity and how you handle emotionally inspiring situations. Issues that arouse our emotions can present this in any number of ways. By displaying Anger, frustration, sadness, revenge, passive aggression, verbal abuse, exuberance, outward affection, self-pity, there are so many emotional reactions we can have to the many people, situations and things, that stimulate us emotionally. Here is a list of some moon signs in certain zodiac signs and what they do for our emotional zodiac characteristics. aries moon sign personality: aries is a sign known for being somewhat self-centered. The moon is not so well placed here. The aries moon can be lacking in, empathy, sympathy, and overall emotional sensitivity. This does not mean aries are mean, or don't have good intentions, oh no. Aries are some of the most like sign of the zodiac, they tend to be open friendly and a lot of fun to be ar