astrology books, books on astrology, books astrology, books on astrology

books on astrology to buy, find out which ones are the best!

books on astrology - "birthdays stars and numbers"

This is one of my favourite astrology books in my collection. I check it atleast once a week for compatible love match dates and just to read more about my personality. It is so bang on! It even has information about your own "personal star" in the heavens....which I find to be so accurate interms of the information...its almost scary! This book is written by two authors so you will get your moneys worth...and in the beginning its got lucky numbers too.

books on astrology - "karmic astrology"

Now I am giving a special heads up about these astrology books I am about to tell you about. Incase you dont already know I have been studying and applying astrology to my life for about 14 years now...and in all that time I have never come accross such an important and cool set of books as these...they are called "karmic astrology!" Intregued...? well I dont blame you... again in over 14 years I have not come accross such an important piece of literary contribution on the subject. Now please be ware...these set of 4 books are for the advanced book is called..."the part of fortune and happiness..." something to that effect...the other is called "...the nodes and past lives..." again dont quote me...but I am close...and another is called ..."now..." again something like that. Any way...whats the reason I like and recommend these books so much??? I found them so enlightening...but ofcourse you should know your natal chart to take advantage of the information in the books...or just buy them anyway for the entertainment factor....they discuss the part of fortune being the area in your life that if paid attention too can bring you much happiness....and that your south node can reveal behaviours of your past life or (lives) and that your north node is the area of your life you should be paying attention to in order to grow feel good about your self etc...

What it said about my north and south nodes
really i dont remember what it said about my north node but it mentioned my south said that I should stop trying to depend on my romantic love affairs (particularly my partners) to some how save me. That this was behaviour experienced in my past life...but that it was of no service...of no benifit to me in this life...and that I may keep trying to do this now....but it will not bring respect, soul growth or paraphrasing...any who I was thoroughly impressed by this set of books on astrology called "karmic astrology!"
books on astrology - "the astrology bible"

another book ion astrology recently discovered and read was the astrology bible. This book is the cream of the corp...why? its great for the novice astrologer just starting out and great for the well seasoned astrologer. its an easy very thick very informative...and covers all important areas of astrology such as

  • personality traits of each zodiac sign
  • each zodiac sign behaviour when in love
  • love compatibility charts
  • the effects of each planet in the horoscope
  • the planets thruogh the houses

it also comes with some great pictures inside i said a must have for any seasoned astrologer and novice astrologer

The best astrological book around by far - "The Round Art of Astrology"

This book on astrology was totally amazing! I have never come across an astrology book like this one. If you are into collecting astrology books and you are interested in practicing astrology as a simply must have this book. This is my number 2 favourite! number one is "birthdays stars and numbers"...the first book mentioned on this page. Why is "the round art of astrology" such a good book? it gives you emmense detail into each zodiac sign...and how each planet functions within that zodiac sign...the thing I found most fascinating was the astrological chart with the planet, sign, stones, times in life, personifications, and detailed information...this book on astrology...its old and its totally a "must have" for the serious astrologer.

the website said they didnt have an image for it...sorry about that folks...but there is a picture on the amazon website once you click on the link.

linda goodmans relationship signs first boyfriend realized he was my soul mate loved the book so much didnt bring back my first syastry comparison by this book on astrology,  it was old i read it every other day my boyfriend not only had what i needed but he complimented me too moon in taurus steady loyal forever took the bus with me get up early take me to school the good old days...can I meet someone like that again maybe i should go get this book to bring me good luck...dont have it anymore.

books on astrology - Linda Goodmans "Love Signs" (great for the beginner)

weather you are into astrology or not you must get this book. This book was so infomative and accurate that I was laughing out loud as I was reading it. In case you are wondering what page that was the description of the libra woman and aries was so funny and basically said that the libra woman wants to make everything seem light and breezy but dont say anything out of balance to her as an aries or else she will accuse you of being a self centered aries....very funny. any who i like this astrology book because it has every love combination in it and its very informative. Buy it!  

I have read all of these astrology books on astrology. For some reason astrological information just stays in my head....I have a natural love for it I suppose


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